How to Get More Sleep

One of my New Year resolutions is to get to bed at an earlier time. Don't worry, I've done the research on how to fall asleep are the best of the best tips!

1. Keep your phone away from your bed.

I know what you're thinking..."I use my phone as my alarm!" Well, I'm here to remind you that alarm clocks exist. Not into alarm clocks? Get an Amazon Echo to wake you up. Simply say, "Alexa, set alarm for 7:00 AM." And she'll do it!

Keeping your phone in another room limits distractions before you go to bed. Scientists have also proven that the blue light from screens wires your brain which makes you less sleepy! Keep them away.

2. Use Bluelight Blocking Glasses

 This is one of my must-have items especially when traveling-- blue light blocking glasses. As mentioned before, blue light excites your brain and keeps it up. These magical glasses are tinted yellow to cancel out the blue light. It's not perfect, but it's a step in the right direction. Even if it's a placebo, I think it works!

3. Stop Caffeine at 4-6 Hours Before Bed

WebMD says that you should stop consuming caffeine 4-6 hours before bedtime. This includes soda, coffee, chocolate, tea and some medications. Ideally, your last cup of caffeine should be at noon for ultimate sleepiness.

4. Keep TVs out of the Bedroom

Bedrooms should be for sleep and sex only. All other media is for the living room. Keeping a dark room will help you fall asleep faster and your brain will know, "I'm in my bedroom, time for bed!"

5. Stay Consistent 

Keep your bedtime and wake time similar. Your body is so smart, it is constantly learning your habits! Try to be kind and respectful to it by staying consistent!

HealthBrooke Fishersleep, how-to