Beachbody Liift4 Review and Results


One and a half rounds of Liift4 done, so here I am letting you know how it went.

What is it?

Liift4 is a Beachbody program by Joel Freeman, a Beachbody coach, that takes you through four strength and conditioning exercises throughout the week. Here are my unbiased thoughts on the program. Each workout ranges from 30-40 mins. It is 4 days a week and the program lasts for 8 weeks.

You workout four days a week with planned nutrition. Joel gives you a cheat day built into the workouts.

What You’ll Need

Weights: You will need various sets of light, medium and heavy weights. I like doing these workouts at the gym with my wireless headphones so I have a utility of different weights at my fingertips. If you want to do this workout at home, that is totally fine. I recommend a weight set like this one so you can level up each week and have the appropriate amount of weight.

Portion Containers: If you have done 21-Day Fix or 80-Day Obsession, you should already know what the portion containers are. If you aren’t familiar, these containers are a way to portion out the foods you eat throughout the day. You can get them from Beachbody or you can get a cheaper version here. Full Disclosure: I didn’t follow nutrition, just tried to eat well.

Beachbody OnDemand Subscription: For $100 a year, you can get access to over 700+ different workouts (and counting). Not ready to commit? Utilize this 14-day free trial to see how you feel about it. Spoiler Alert! You’re going to love it.


Variety: A New Video for Every Day

Just like 80-Day Obsession, there is a new workout video for every day. The cast varies between a few people, but you will see familiar faces for every workout. This is fun because you feel like you are part of Joel’s team. You get to know their names, their likes and dislikes, etc.

A new workout a day is the way to stay excited about a program. I love at-home workout programs, but when you are watching the same videos over and over again, it is easier to bargain with yourself to cheat on reps or moves. When you are watching a different video every time, it keeps you on your toes because you don’t know what’s coming next.

This is important because he works your muscles and cardio in an order that makes sense so you aren’t exhausting the same muscles every day.

Joel is a Great Trainer

Joel is a certified trainer who makes workout plans and meal plans for clients as a full-time job. We are so fortunate to get an inside peek at his training schedule. He works really hard, and it shows. He talks the whole time so it helps the time go a little faster!

Heavy Lifting with Your Goals in Mind

With the variety of the workouts, Joel will always fill you in on what the appropriate amount of weight is. Every cast member lifts a little different and there is a modifier that lifts a little lighter.


I would try to stay on track with the strongest female on the set, but sometimes would need to back off. Joel is great at talking you through it. For example he may say something like, “If you feel yourself leaning back, lighten your load this week.”

If you hired a trainer for a program like this with nutrition included, it would cost around $2,500. This one is about $100 a year. With that subscription, you have an arsenal of workout programs beyond this one from yoga to dance!


Like any other Beachbody program, if you follow the schedule, nutrition and workouts you WILL see results. I lost a little over one inch off my waist, ~1 inch off each thigh, 1.5 inches off my hips and a little off my chest. I was also able to see my abs poppin’ out after the workouts. That was so fun.


None of these workouts are over 45 minutes, which is nice for a busy schedule. I was able to tack some Peloton workouts onto the end of these workouts which made me super happy. There were other days were I would do the workout and be done for the day. The timing is great!


Little Variety in Cardio and Abs

If you don’t love crunches, this probably isn’t for you. There is a core component at the end of every workout. That isn’t the con, I love this part! There are a lot of crunches and abs involved. If you can’t do abs, either skip this part or don’t do the program.

The cardio is totally fine, but you do a lot of the same moves which lessens the variety. Not a big con, just an observation.

More like a Bootcamp than a Team Sport

Something I loved about 80-Day Obsession was that Autumn would do the workouts with the cast. For some reason I really valued this. She would talk through it and let us know what weights she was using. This program was more like a bootcamp or a training session. This isn’t a big con, just an observation. I wish he would have done some of the workouts with the team.


I definitely think this program is worth it! The timing and the variety of the workouts are the best. I love that there is a different video for every single day. Try it out today with Beachbody’s 14-day free trial with no risk. It’s been worth every penny to me! I like that it is a little shorter because I can pair these lifting workouts with other workouts like cycling.